Facts about Men's Tallitot


Are you all set to buy men's tallitot this season? It is one of the most important parts of the life of a Jew. This post will bring to you, some interesting facts about tallits that you will love to know.

1. For many people, the tallit is a prayer shawl. It is one of the iconic representations of Judaism. The idea of the tallit, however, is often misinterpreted. The primary purpose or use of the tallit is to serve as the four corners. The edges enable the hanging of the fringes in agreement with the Torah's prescript in the book.

2. The rise of the Bat Mitzvah and Bar Mitzvah in the twentieth century has designated it as a Jewish garment of great significance. In many communities, men use it only after marriage!

3. In Kabbalistic societies, the tallit is a particular garment related to a person's spiritual service. The perception is, it creates a connection with the almighty. A person wearing a tallit inspires awe and reverence for God at prayer.

4. The significance of the symbols is explained in the song harmonized on the Sabbath known as the Song of Glory. It ascribes God and the wearing of the Tefillin. The meaning thus represents God's devotion to prayer and hence the tallit.

5. In traditional societies, all Jewish males wear the tallit at the Morning Prayer on weekdays, Sabbaths, as well as holidays.

6. The cantor also wears the tallit at every prayer before the Ark, and by the savant of the Scroll Of the Law on the Bimah.


7. Since women cannot wear the tallit, it gave rise to various liberal Jewish movements. Some of them are:

• The Jewish Renewal
• The Reconstructionist
• The Conservative and so on

Later with the movements, women could wear the tallit along with men.

8. The tallit is also sometimes spread over as a canopy wedding ceremonies.


9. The mallit, which can be spread out like a sheet, is often woven of wool or silk. The traditional combination of colors is white, with black or blue stripes. Prayer shawls made of wool remain preferable for most traditional and Orthodox circles.

10. Another important part of men's tallitot is the Tzitzit, i.e., the fringes. According to the House of Shammai, the edges consist of:

• Four threads of blue wool and

• Four of white

11. Today the small tallit is worn by more traditional Jewish men as an undergarment.

12. Weaving the blue thread in the fringes has a reason. It is because,

• This color mirrors the sea and
• The sea resembles the sky


The above facts will give you a sense of understanding the reasons for wearing the tallit. If you are buying men's tallitot, you must make sure to look for the different options available online.

Also, share with us your experience after making a purchase. Wear and upload photos. You can leave the link in the comments below.


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